Bayonetta Review From IGN

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Top Ten Games Im Waiting for

In No Particular Order:

1.Final Fantasy XIII- Going to be close to the most epic RPG to hit Next Gen and there really arnt enough in my opinion.

2. God of War 3- I always thought that the GoW games were cool on the PS2 but I never bought of finished ether on of them, but as soon as I got Chains of Olympia on PSP I was hooked and now I'm playing through the first 2 and ready for the 3rd.

3. Darksiders- I don't know all that much about this title other than the fact it looks like a hell of a lot of fun. This might be one that I rent before buying, but if you get a chance check out videos for this game!

4. White Knight Chronicles- WOW this is a title I just saw today but it looks like it could shape up to be a very near contender to FFXIII. Ill be following this one closely I think.

5.METALGEARSOLID peacewalker- if you know me......nuf said

6. Splinter Cell Conviction- I can remeber some of the fondest memories I ever had playing some of the old splinter cell games on original Xbox and I am really looking forward to this one!.... but while finding the picture online i now know it will not be comeing out for ps3......Bullox

7.The New silent hill game "Shattered Memories"- looks like it has a lot of potential and the gameplay looks like it could work well on the PSP so I would very much like to give it a try, although it will prolly be a renter.

8.FinalFantasy14!!!- This will be the greatest MMOG of all time so....Ya needless to say I cant wait for it so suck away my life and time!

9.Any Kind of MAP PACK for MW2- Please?!?

10.Medal of Honor- I'm Pretty sure I heard that MoH is coming out with a Modern Warfareesk game to compete with MW2 so I would surely like to see what they can do

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