Bayonetta Review From IGN

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Death of the Beast and the Rebirth.

Yesterday, a 3 year old legend passed away. After being played almost every day and being left on for days at a time, after being carted back and forth from one house to another, after countless unhooking and rehooking, the old 30 gig saw its last day. Ya I'm not really to upset that the 30 finally crapped out on me, it was actually really sturdy for the amount of abuse i gave to it. What happened was me and my little brother were watching Terminator Salvation on the thing and it literally just froze with Christian Bale in midsentace, so I took out the disk thinking it might have been scratched.....nope it was fine so i tried poppin in MW2 and well it didn't even read the disk was in there. Then I tryed a dvd and no go the Damn Thing just burnt out, I figure it was prolly the laser that reads the disks and what not. Now most ppl would be ultra pissed right.........well not me, because considering that its Xmas time I was able to use my salesman's silver tongue to convince PAPA to get me another NEWER SLIMMER SEXIER PS3 with a shitload of more space!!! Ya Dan but what about all your save files and Download content on the old one? You must have lost that right? NOOOOOPE..... since I got a Terabyte External Hard Drive for Xmas also I just Popped that bitch open and shifted all the files to it and then back on the slimmer guy. AHHHH life is good, Thanks for Dieing when you did Chunky if you would have died say midsummer Dad would have said "We will get you a new one at Xmas" LOL