Bayonetta Review From IGN

Sunday, January 17, 2010

IGN's top 25 PS# games countdown

After looking over IGN's top 25 I for the most part agree with everything they had to say about it! the top 5 for sure and low and behold #1 is my favorite game of all time! MGS4 way to go IGN! here is the link: http://http//

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Bayonetta... Not so good for PS3 PR.

Bayonetta is a Devil May Cry style, Super Action RPG. This Game is Publicised as one of the Craziest and most intence Action RPGs of all time and as you can see in the video attached the Reviewer at IGN agrees. I haven't really followed this game all that much but after seeing the review I have to say it looks awesome. The thing is though that I'm going to have to say I'm Gonna play it on 360. Why, you may ask. Well because no one hates load times and screen tearing more than me. Hell if an incredibly fast paced Action game cant even run at optimal speed on PS3 it will seriously hurt the overall feel of the game. This seriously is bad PR for the PS3 and the ppl who are debating to Get 360 or PS because all it displays is that possessing has potential to be slower : ('' . This game is coming out the 5th of Jan, but I heard that it has already launched in some places for Xmas. OH well ill have to pick this up in the future cuz its not like I don't have enough games to play anyway.

New Monitor = countless hours of MMOing

So Many MMOs to play..... I just started this one yesterday cuz I was board as hell, its called Dragonica. Despite the retarded name its actually really simple and fun as hell. Ill prolly keep it around for a bit longer cuz it doesn't take up all that much space on the Vaio and its free. Buuuut as soon and Xmas rolls around (which is in 14 hours i might add) I will have a shiny new monitor for the Desk Top and that usually equals massive amounts of wasted time and money on MMOs. FFXI, AION, Maple Story, Star Wars Galaxies, Dragonica, and HOLY CRAP FFIV, and Old Republic....... WoW i should prolly just set the desktop ablaze if I want to not get F's in all my classes and negative balances in all my accounts... : )

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Top Ten Games Im Waiting for

In No Particular Order:

1.Final Fantasy XIII- Going to be close to the most epic RPG to hit Next Gen and there really arnt enough in my opinion.

2. God of War 3- I always thought that the GoW games were cool on the PS2 but I never bought of finished ether on of them, but as soon as I got Chains of Olympia on PSP I was hooked and now I'm playing through the first 2 and ready for the 3rd.

3. Darksiders- I don't know all that much about this title other than the fact it looks like a hell of a lot of fun. This might be one that I rent before buying, but if you get a chance check out videos for this game!

4. White Knight Chronicles- WOW this is a title I just saw today but it looks like it could shape up to be a very near contender to FFXIII. Ill be following this one closely I think.

5.METALGEARSOLID peacewalker- if you know me......nuf said

6. Splinter Cell Conviction- I can remeber some of the fondest memories I ever had playing some of the old splinter cell games on original Xbox and I am really looking forward to this one!.... but while finding the picture online i now know it will not be comeing out for ps3......Bullox

7.The New silent hill game "Shattered Memories"- looks like it has a lot of potential and the gameplay looks like it could work well on the PSP so I would very much like to give it a try, although it will prolly be a renter.

8.FinalFantasy14!!!- This will be the greatest MMOG of all time so....Ya needless to say I cant wait for it so suck away my life and time!

9.Any Kind of MAP PACK for MW2- Please?!?

10.Medal of Honor- I'm Pretty sure I heard that MoH is coming out with a Modern Warfareesk game to compete with MW2 so I would surely like to see what they can do

Avatar SiFi at its best!

After all the Hype that was given to James Camrons Movie Avatar, I was actually really impressed. It is your typical Space Western, but that being set i feel like it pretty much Defines the genre in the way that is it presented. As this was the first 3D movie that I have ever had the pleasure of watching it was Defiantly the one I would have picked. This movie was very much a retelling of the Pocahontas story, But the fact that it was all set on another world that was strikingly beautiful with its own plant and animal life really set the tone for the movie to be an ultra epic that will go down in history as a wonderful classic science fiction. I would Give this movie a 4.5 out of 5 stars. The only reason for the Half Point reduction would be that it was 3 hours long, and although I loved every minute of it there were defiantly parts that could have been cut and put to the Blu ray special features.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Death of the Beast and the Rebirth.

Yesterday, a 3 year old legend passed away. After being played almost every day and being left on for days at a time, after being carted back and forth from one house to another, after countless unhooking and rehooking, the old 30 gig saw its last day. Ya I'm not really to upset that the 30 finally crapped out on me, it was actually really sturdy for the amount of abuse i gave to it. What happened was me and my little brother were watching Terminator Salvation on the thing and it literally just froze with Christian Bale in midsentace, so I took out the disk thinking it might have been scratched.....nope it was fine so i tried poppin in MW2 and well it didn't even read the disk was in there. Then I tryed a dvd and no go the Damn Thing just burnt out, I figure it was prolly the laser that reads the disks and what not. Now most ppl would be ultra pissed right.........well not me, because considering that its Xmas time I was able to use my salesman's silver tongue to convince PAPA to get me another NEWER SLIMMER SEXIER PS3 with a shitload of more space!!! Ya Dan but what about all your save files and Download content on the old one? You must have lost that right? NOOOOOPE..... since I got a Terabyte External Hard Drive for Xmas also I just Popped that bitch open and shifted all the files to it and then back on the slimmer guy. AHHHH life is good, Thanks for Dieing when you did Chunky if you would have died say midsummer Dad would have said "We will get you a new one at Xmas" LOL

Best of 2009 for PS3

There was no dought in my mind that Uncharted 2 would be the King of 2009 PS3 games. This title was hands down the best game I played all year. It even beat out MW2 which on IGN as well is in my choices. Uncharted 2 just does everything right, it has one of the most cinematic experiences in any game ever made but presents the game play so fluidly with the story that it is one of the most immerse games I have ever played. And speaking of the story the writing, acting and voice overs in this game are second to none and that is why it has gotten so much praise in 2009.